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Apply to Be a Disney Studies' Bibliographer

As we all know, Disney Studies is a rather nebulous field. When anyone begins researching in this field, it can be difficult to become familiar with all the various scholarly conversations happening across disciplines and studios. Even for those deeply enmeshed in Disney Studies, it can be difficult to stay abreast with all the wonderful new research coming out. To try to help with this issue, DisNet is compiling an online bibliography. Our goal is that it will contain all scholarship written about anything pertaining to Disney, which we will keep up-to-date moving forward. While we believe this will be an invaluable tool some day, we need your help, DisNeteers!


We're looking for as many volunteers as possible to become Disney Studies' Bibliographers. You'll be finding sources and entering them into a spreadsheet that will eventually become a searchable database on our DisNet website. If you'd like to see in more detail what you would be doing, see the instructions all Bibliographers will be following. With many people working on this, it will hopefully be relatively easy work.


If you're interested in volunteering, fill out the form below.

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

Bibliographer Form

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